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We love Croatia… we have visited the country regularly for over 20 years. During the early days we roamed the shores south of Murter, marvelling at the coasts dotted with numerous islands and the atmospheric cities, towns and fishing villages for many years. Initially, Pag island and its surrounding region had been outside our focus due to its lack of suitability for charter sailing. In the past decade however we have been exploring it because of our relatives who live there. Since then we have been coming back here every year, even multiple times in some years, and although we have discovered many attractions, we are not even close to the end of our explorations.
Many would claim that the island is barren and truth be told, the vegetation covering the majority of the island is scarce compared to more southern regions of the Croatian seashore. However, curious explorers can find beautiful forest-ridden areas here, too, while the hills covered with pale, “moonlit” rocks can also be stunning in their own way, especially since the zigzag rocky shores curling around the island have created several small, enclosed bays with peaceful atmospheres.


As opposed to most islands, Pag also the advantage of being reachable both via ferry on one end and bridge on the other. The island has many faces. Anything from small fishing villages through youthful party towns to towns of rich historical heritage can be found here, not to mention that the crowd is not heavy even in the main season, which makes it more pleasant than the bigger, more popular tourist destinations.
In the past ten years we have been coming only here on holidays and we have been discovering new beautiful and interesting attractions every year. We have fallen in love with this island and we would like to share the experiences Pag can offer with as many people as possible. We hope that you as well as your friends and family will be our guests and we can make you see this wonderful place through our eyes.
We love Croatia… we have visited the country regularly for over 20 years. During the early days we roamed the shores south of Murter, marvelling at the coasts dotted with numerous islands and the atmospheric cities, towns and fishing villages for many years. Initially, Pag island and its surrounding region had been outside our focus due to its lack of suitability for charter sailing. In the past decade however we have been exploring it because of our relatives who live there. Since then we have been coming back here every year, even multiple times in some years, and although we have discovered many attractions, we are not even close to the end of our explorations.

Many would claim that the island is barren and truth be told, the vegetation covering the majority of the island is scarce compared to more southern regions of the Croatian seashore. However, curious explorers can find beautiful forest-ridden areas here, too, while the hills covered with pale, “moonlit” rocks can also be stunning in their own way, especially since the zigzag rocky shores curling around the island have created several small, enclosed bays with peaceful atmospheres.

As opposed to most islands, Pag also the advantage of being reachable both via ferry on one end and bridge on the other. The island has many faces. Anything from small fishing villages through youthful party towns to towns of rich historical heritage can be found here, not to mention that the crowd is not heavy even in the main season, which makes it more pleasant than the bigger, more popular tourist destinations.

In the past ten years we have been coming only here on holidays and we have been discovering new beautiful and interesting attractions every year. We have fallen in love with this island and we would like to share the experiences Pag can offer with as many people as possible. We hope that you as well as your friends and family will be our guests and we can make you see this wonderful place through our eyes.

I love pag!

The house is located in the centre of town and its level of comfort far exceeded our expectations: it is beautifully renovated and excellently equipped, deserving of 4 stars. I can only recommend the town and the house as there are many attractions and programmes. We happened to have wonderful weather so these few days just flew by.

Thank you again for everything.

Best wishes,
Péter Sári

Lovely place, friendly people, good foods! Pag is strongly recommended!
Gila Zoli


“We just came home from Pag yesterday! It is stunning, stunning, stunning! Although the island is barren, we have searched for (and found) hidden bays where we were the only bathers. The island is worth exploring from the southern bridge all the way to Lun, the northernmost village. We have covered roughly 300km in 8 days. Pag is also rather expensive, especially parking, which costs a fortune for a few hours.”



“Pag Island which is located in North-Dalmatia, near Zadar, is barren even by the standards of Dalmatian islands. Despite this, we recommend it in good conscience to our readers planning their summer holidays, given that exceptional beaches can be found here and the local cuisine is also magnificent.”

We hope to visit again

We have been coming to Pag island for 10 years, we love it very much! We have been the guests of Moon Stone Residence once and we have found it to be fully satisfying: a very comfortable apartment house located at the heart of the town centre, close to cafés and restaurants.

We hope to visit again next year, we genuinely recommend it to everyone!

Anna Matolcsi


“I was initially concerned by the lack of plants on Pag island but the landscape is breathtaking regardless and also some areas are so densely covered by plants that it blocks out the sea. The island is full of hidden, beautiful places and rocky bays and so it is worth exploring all of its corners. I enjoyed hill-climbing the most because the sights are incredible from the top. In the evening the atmosphere is enhanced by the sheep baaing on the hillside. Plenty of herbs and spices can be found on the island, I would recommend taking some of them home, but local herb-mixes are also for sale. We approached the island through the bridge where the sights are also beautiful and the castle ruins are also worth visiting.”


Lively town center

For those wishing for atmospheric walks in old towns, illuminated harbours and friendly chats in outdoor cafés, Pag island is an idea place. The view of Pag island is already breath-taking from a birds-eye view but even up close it does not disappoint. The narrow streets are full of young couples holding hands, the snow-white, shiny, polished street tiles serve as a playground for local kids and the main square, full of cafés and ice cream bars, is still lively in the evening. On the illuminated seaside boardwalk, a whole raft of restaurants await their guests with countless delicious specialties, including “Pag Platter” which serves among others, local ham, the infamous Pag cheese and olives.

Fodor Réka

O U R   P H I L O S O P H Y


Our aim is to build a complex touristic company on Pag island which is capable of satisfying guests seeking four or five star service offering both sailing and land activities as well as unique cultural and gastronomical experiences. Our company is in its early stages, currently only one building has been completely renovated and another is still in progress. We consider uncovering the history of the buildings as well as keeping their exterior consistent with the overall ancient image of the town centre our top priority during the renovation process. It is an exciting challenge for us to research the story of the past residents of the property and work together with architects and builders to unite past and present, i.e. mould together the “old town” aesthetic of the building with modern day practical comfort. Such extensive planning often takes a year and a half, but we firmly believe that this is required for us to provide the experience of an authentic Adriatic holiday to our guests.









Further information 
Phone: +36 30 470 9707